Friday, May 23, 2014


April 2014
 “A Reoccurring Madness” is the title of my piece because I wanted to emphasize the use of repetition. I used repetition in my video to stress the routine of my everyday. My everyday consists of doing the same things over and over again, which I tried to exemplify in “A Reoccurring Madness”. For instance, instead of going down the stairs at the end of the video, I wanted to replay the clip of me going up them to show that the library seems to be an endless cycle for me. In the video, I grab two different books that are in a different language because when I read in the library, no matter the language, I never seem to be able to comprehend what is going through my eyes and into my brain. The audio portion of “A Reoccurring Madness” allows the viewer to hear what kind of music was popular at this time of age and what teenagers or young adults talk about at this time of our life. The loud audio resembles all of the commotion that goes through my head on a daily basis while I am trying to study in the library. I used a quite, serene place juxtaposed to a loud party to focus on the two aspects of my everyday.
 “A Reoccurring Madness” focuses on the repetition of my everyday. I shot the video portion in the campus library to stress the importance of studies and how much time a student, in particular, how much time I spend in the library. The audio portion is set at a party with a lot of commotion on a Saturday night to show what I do during the night after I spend all day in the library. These two settings juxtapose each other and equal out my everyday life. The chaos in the audio portion resembles the commotion that goes through my head while I am trying to study in the library. 

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