Friday, May 23, 2014


“On the Road”
For this piece I wanted to do something with driving because I feel like that I am always on the road going somewhere.  That is why in this piece you see and hear me driving from school to home.  I live 15 minutes from school but this video is 4:33 like John Cages work.  On the drive you hear a lot of unique sounds by other cars driving by but not just that but by what sounds my car makes too.  This video is mostly for you to listen to not to see because of how I was filming in the car.  I wanted this to be something that you just hear and not see and to experience what I am doing and imagine you doing the same thing on your way home.  This is sound art to me because no matter what you hear it sounds like you want to be there feeling the wind in your hair and so on and so forth with the other sounds.  

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